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Python Leve 1: Introduction to Python

          Learning Python by Doing IDLE


About Course

In this course, we will learn how to program in python from the ground up. Each lesson will explain the concepts and work through building programs and examples of concepts. The course will focus on fun and creating interesting examples to help students understand concepts that can be applied elsewhere.

About Class

Each lesson will have an overview of the topic we are going to cover, program activities and games to learn, build on, and reinforce concepts. Students will have a weekly assignment at the end of each lesson, and will post their code to the google classroom,  Students will be able to look at how the homework was solved, and will be provided with feedback on their code.


qCourse’s topics
üIntroduction to Python: what is Python? What you can do with Python
üPython IDLE environment
üVariables, Data Types and Mad Libs
üIntroducing Loops and Draw Pictures
üLoops Are Fun: Drawing with Turtle and More Turtles
üFunctions: There’s a Name for That Working with List
üUser Input and Conditions (What If?) if Statements
üFun with Numbers and Guess Game

üDevelop Turtle Race Game



       Python Leve 2 Intermediate

             Learning Python by Building Games with PyGame


About Course :

After learning the Python fundamentals, Python Intermediate level focuses on diving into these topics on a deeper level, and learning more advanced topics such as programming Concepts Classes, Objects and implementation by creating games with PyGame.

About Class

For each lesson we introduce project contents and write code together with students; we will explain the usage of the programming concepts and why to code in this way. At the end of lessons we will summarize the key knowledge points, and students have the opportunities to share and present their works. 

We encourage strongly students to participate at classes by asking questions and to customize their work and inject their own ideas and innovations. We are more than willing to review home works and give detailed feedbacks and suggestions

Course’s topics
ØPython IDE and PyGame
ØPython Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects
ØPython Refresher Looks,  Functions and Conditional Statements 
ØCreating template for Game Window
ØChanging Title, Logo and Background Color
ØMovement Mechanics in Game Development
ØKeyboard Input Controls & Key Event
ØAdding Text and Displaying Score
ØBreaking down game designs and implementing  Games
ØUnit Testing and Debugging
ØCreate Pong Game and Runner Game